its the same bland low fps sprite fights you can find anywhere on newgrounds
nothing really special or groundbreaking
its the same bland low fps sprite fights you can find anywhere on newgrounds
nothing really special or groundbreaking
it's beause in the first part a complaint was about too fast
it was okay
nice use of the bone tool but the #1 killer of flashes these days is a lame and cut off ending
take time in your flashes and actually FINISH them next time
also, try and make your OWN characters instead of using madness sprite sheets
I didn't use the bone tool, it's all in AS2, and I don't think the bone tool works for it.
As I explained, this flash simply wasn't worth finishing. I don't know why you think I used sprite sheets, I drew everything myself and I hate sprites.
awsome animation
hey short-factor
check out my video and see what you think about it
Please use the review space for actually reviewing the movie. If you want me to watch your movies, ask me through a PM.
if i had a cookie for every blooper posted here
on top of the choppy animation that looked like it was done frame by frame, the humor sucked
seemingly every joke consisted of fake looking blood possibly done in paint, voices that sounded like they were from cell phones, and just your usual weak slap-stick humor that you could find in any blooper these days
try harder if you truly want to become a good flash artist one day
Indeed, I made the pictures in Paint. Then, I put them together in Windows movie maker, so this is the reason why the graphics suck balls. Otherwise, I don't spit on that kind of humor you hate.
another flash that tries too hard to be funny
everything about this licked my ass from animation to pointless toilet humor that didn't even make me grin
better luck next time
SAY IT WITH ME!!! naruto is awesome sonic is awsome naruto is awsome sonic is awesome naruto is awsome sonic is awsome naruto is awesome sonic is awsome naruto is awesome sonic is awsome naruto is awsome and those who think differerent are crap :P
animation&fighting A+++ story's a bit rushy
i thorouly enjoyed the action and duo sprite and paint tool working together to make this, but the story just doesn't flow as smoothly and at times it was just senseless fighting with no point
don't make the same mistake most sprite series on newgrounds make-
take your time
The next few episodes are going to be more plot oriented, so don't worry. The fighting's not going to be anywhere near as insane, either.
sorry that i cant find joy in the simple things
its ok...lolo it was kinda a last minute thing
well- it's a LITTLE BIT more original
its still jumping on the "A vs A" bandwagon though
why don't you make up a totally NEW idea rather than following in somebody's footsteps.
Only when you do
sorry but your a little late
this was too short but that's not the point-
this is a ripoff of "animator vs animation" no excuses
YOU want the CREDIT- YOU make the IDEA'S
your ideas are fantastic!
ill admit you cant hate this :)
only 2 problems
make the voices contrast less- i could hardly hear john the whole flash
and up the animation
bye :)
Well yeah, this was the first episode, so it is a bit rough... gets better as it progresses, thankfully. Thanks for watching it though!
Age 31, Male
animator, game desig
the leaf village
Joined on 9/1/08