that tails doll is always in the shorts isnt he?
it seems with every sonic short the jokes are getting more and more random and less funny
i only counted about 4 funny ones in this sonic shorts
that tails doll is always in the shorts isnt he?
it seems with every sonic short the jokes are getting more and more random and less funny
i only counted about 4 funny ones in this sonic shorts
not great but good
first thing i noticed?
either the file size is too small or you zoomed into the characters
second thing?
this is kinda jumping on the alvin the earthworm bandwagon
try to make an original sprite fight
a bit choppy but good nonethe less
only one question
how do you get a v cam to work without it bugging?
that was good
lame even for a movie trailer
i dont know why people on newgrounds just can't MAKE their movies instead of giving like 10 freaking headsup's about it
awsome animation
hey short-factor
check out my video and see what you think about it
Please use the review space for actually reviewing the movie. If you want me to watch your movies, ask me through a PM.
the storyline is getting a little ridiculus
i can see you've become a better animatior in the last...... oh.... year and a half, but watching this was like watching 2 or 3 potential episodes compacted into one
there are plot twists like every second and-telling from the random turn of events at the end where exodus turns suicidal- i dont think your going to explain any of them.
just TRY and hold the story together for a couple more episodes OK?
if i had a cookie for every blooper posted here
on top of the choppy animation that looked like it was done frame by frame, the humor sucked
seemingly every joke consisted of fake looking blood possibly done in paint, voices that sounded like they were from cell phones, and just your usual weak slap-stick humor that you could find in any blooper these days
try harder if you truly want to become a good flash artist one day
Indeed, I made the pictures in Paint. Then, I put them together in Windows movie maker, so this is the reason why the graphics suck balls. Otherwise, I don't spit on that kind of humor you hate.
Age 31, Male
animator, game desig
the leaf village
Joined on 9/1/08